Ryan H.



Did you know that there were less than 50 jobs in colonial times. You didn't have office building to work in you either worked from home or at your shack. You only got payed for what you sold. There were no business, you worked for yourself. 

Every job had to be done right or else it would ruin lifes.
These 3 jobs were the reason their were wood and coal fire Minors need to mine, farmers fires and houses along with how they had got their food.
need to farm, and lumberjacks need to sell there wood for families to life.

Chapter 1 Minors

Why do minors mine? Minors mine because it is the only way they and their family can live. If they didn’t they
Minors swing their pickaxe for at least 8 hours every day, swing after swing, how many   swings do they do each day. You would swing your sweaty pickaxe for so long you would have at least 4 blisters. Sometimes the mine would cave in and you would get stuck. Your others workers might die but you would keep mining until the day was over.

 Everyday minors walk to the mine to collect coal, gold, iron, silver and other riches that they find.
 At the end of every day they would try to sell there iron to blacksmiths and keep the coal for him and his family.
Every now and then they would sell some of their coal to other people or merchants.

Chapter 2 Farmers

Why did farmers sell what they sold?

They provided cattle, food, and other riches. But people were noThey t happy because they thought that they could provide more.
Farmer were the main source of why people and troops survived.

Farming was one of the hardest jobs because you have to take care of cattle and the crops. Everyday the farmers sell their cattle and their crops to family’s. 
Farmer spend day after day working to keep them and other family’s alive. 

How the farmers plant crops

Farmers first need to plant the crops. When it comes time the will pull up the weeds from the ground so the crops can grow before winter.


Chapter 3 Lumberjacks

What do lumberjacks do?  Lumberjack cut down trees. They use 2 man saws and 1 man saws. Your hands would get blisters and start do bleed. Lumberjacks are the reason people lived. The reason they had fires, houses, tables, chairs, and other stuff.

John Smith once said “you don’t work you don’t eat.” that is when they first started cutting wood. It is twice as different now. Cutting down a tree took a lot of work and it still does today.

All three jobs were not your everyday job, you had to put hours after hour after hour into whatever their doing whether it is cutting down a tree or mining gold or herding cattle, it took effort. If you lived in this time period would you have these jobs or another job.

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