Colonial Tools
Do you know what augers are or were if you were a blacksmith you would
know? Blacksmiths were people that made tools,pots, and other materials.
If you read about colonial tools you'll find out.
know? Blacksmiths were people that made tools,pots, and other materials.
If you read about colonial tools you'll find out.
Slavery was very bad at the time and farmers needed slaves because
they had no one to do the work.They couldn't do it themselves because
they had things to do or there very harsh on their slaves and were selfish
of themselves.The owners were cruel to the slaves the slaves made tools
like axes but they looked different like a maracci. They used the tools to
scrape off weeds so the farms/plants won't get eaten by the weeds.They
also used clappers which looked like hammers to hit something if they
needed something stable or built. The slaves made these tools out of
wood and metal.
they had no one to do the work.They couldn't do it themselves because
they had things to do or there very harsh on their slaves and were selfish
of themselves.The owners were cruel to the slaves the slaves made tools
like axes but they looked different like a maracci. They used the tools to
scrape off weeds so the farms/plants won't get eaten by the weeds.They
also used clappers which looked like hammers to hit something if they
needed something stable or built. The slaves made these tools out of
wood and metal.
The owners were very hard workers they took all day making tools,
planting crops,watering crops,and singing to fellow slaves to talk to each
other.The owners thought they were singing but they were talking to each
planting crops,watering crops,and singing to fellow slaves to talk to each
other.The owners thought they were singing but they were talking to each
Do you know what tools they made?
It would depend on what tool they make like a big saw or like a little
wrench because they used two different materials and mills to make
clothes or others.The largest tools were named augers they were skinny
pieces in the middle and a long circular piece at the end. There are 2
versions of augers, one of them is used for drilling holes in wood also the
other one is for making instruments or fixing pieces in them. Nose augers
were the most common of the two augers they were used for big mills or
wrench because they used two different materials and mills to make
clothes or others.The largest tools were named augers they were skinny
pieces in the middle and a long circular piece at the end. There are 2
versions of augers, one of them is used for drilling holes in wood also the
other one is for making instruments or fixing pieces in them. Nose augers
were the most common of the two augers they were used for big mills or
Auger |
Gimlet |
Gimlets looked like hammers that were light brownish at the top and black
on the handle. They were used for lots of things like drilling screws in a
mill,chairs and really everything that were hand built. They are made by
wood and turned black from all dirt and other dirty materials. The top part
looks like it has a maracci on it.
on the handle. They were used for lots of things like drilling screws in a
mill,chairs and really everything that were hand built. They are made by
wood and turned black from all dirt and other dirty materials. The top part
looks like it has a maracci on it.
Braces were like the colts logo and there’s a game when you throw a
horseshoe to a pole and try to get hooked on it,there was two.(Braces)
Bitsocks were boring tools in range of shapes and sizes otherwise of
saws/chisels,planes they were close to being one of the first tools to
appear in the America.They came in the mid 1700s and lasted till about
the 1890s. So they were about 190 years old.
horseshoe to a pole and try to get hooked on it,there was two.(Braces)
Bitsocks were boring tools in range of shapes and sizes otherwise of
saws/chisels,planes they were close to being one of the first tools to
appear in the America.They came in the mid 1700s and lasted till about
the 1890s. So they were about 190 years old.
What do you think about these tools? Were they old compared to now or were
they cool?There are a lot more tools ,but I specified on 3.I set up a quiz to see
your knowledge and what you learned.
they cool?There are a lot more tools ,but I specified on 3.I set up a quiz to see
your knowledge and what you learned.
1.What would you compare a gimlet to?
2.nose auger
3. Hammer
What NFL logo does a brace look like?
What would you work for, if you made tools?
1. Pe teacher
2. blacksmith
3. farmer
4. All the above
What was the top of a gimlet made of?
3,1,2,2 or C,A,B,B
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