The daily life in colonial times
Table of contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in colonial times. Did you even know
that if you lived in that time, your family would probably own a farm or farm animals. Imagine
having to work when your a kid and no technology. Today we live here happy because are
future lied in the colonial times hands by them helping you get this far in life . You are going to
see what it would be like to own a farm. What your home would be like and what work you
had to do. I am going to show you what your daily life would be in colonial times!
that if you lived in that time, your family would probably own a farm or farm animals. Imagine
having to work when your a kid and no technology. Today we live here happy because are
future lied in the colonial times hands by them helping you get this far in life . You are going to
see what it would be like to own a farm. What your home would be like and what work you
had to do. I am going to show you what your daily life would be in colonial times!
An old barn that once had livestock.
Chapter 1 Farming/food
How to grow food :Corn was the main food because it was so easy to grow. However, most
colonist didn't know what corn was ,but the indians taught them how to grow corn. When the
first learned how to grow corn they put it in almost every meal. When colonistarned learned
how to grow sugar, by finding sugar cane. Then growing fruits. They started to make desserts.
Growing food was mostly hard because they would only have breakfast and lunch if they had
grown enough food. Seafood was available but they wouldn't grow it. Farming plants was easy
for the native american´s. They would grow it in rich soil near rivers. The woman would plant
the seeds and the children would help weed. Many farmer grow vegetable gardens to have
many healthy greens. Most of the colonial towns were situated near the ocean or a river
which was a great source of food. Colonials ate a variety of fish including cod, flounder, trout,
salmon, clams, lobsters, and halibut. Yummy lobster sounds good.
colonist didn't know what corn was ,but the indians taught them how to grow corn. When the
first learned how to grow corn they put it in almost every meal. When colonistarned learned
how to grow sugar, by finding sugar cane. Then growing fruits. They started to make desserts.
Growing food was mostly hard because they would only have breakfast and lunch if they had
grown enough food. Seafood was available but they wouldn't grow it. Farming plants was easy
for the native american´s. They would grow it in rich soil near rivers. The woman would plant
the seeds and the children would help weed. Many farmer grow vegetable gardens to have
many healthy greens. Most of the colonial towns were situated near the ocean or a river
which was a great source of food. Colonials ate a variety of fish including cod, flounder, trout,
salmon, clams, lobsters, and halibut. Yummy lobster sounds good.
That is why the indians were so much help growing plants for the american colonist.
Farming livestock : When farming animals everyone helped out. When farming most families
had chickens mostly 1 cow and goats and pigs. The colonies brought over domesticated
animals from Europe that could be raised as livestock for meat. These included sheep, cattle,
chicken,and pigs. The children would collect the eggs for a meal. The most common meal is
chicken or pork. When done, cooking the food they would cover it in salt so it wouldn't spoil.
So then in the winter when there isn't much of food they could eat it. During the colonial times
lamb was super important not just for the meat but for the wool. The wool would be cleaned
and weaved into sweaters and ect. With the cold on its way wool was very important to have
sheep. Do you like farm animals ,well you would have to in the colonial times.
had chickens mostly 1 cow and goats and pigs. The colonies brought over domesticated
animals from Europe that could be raised as livestock for meat. These included sheep, cattle,
chicken,and pigs. The children would collect the eggs for a meal. The most common meal is
chicken or pork. When done, cooking the food they would cover it in salt so it wouldn't spoil.
So then in the winter when there isn't much of food they could eat it. During the colonial times
lamb was super important not just for the meat but for the wool. The wool would be cleaned
and weaved into sweaters and ect. With the cold on its way wool was very important to have
sheep. Do you like farm animals ,well you would have to in the colonial times.
Conflicted during getting food : The cold wind bites your toes. Your stomach feels empty and
you have been living off of year old canned fruits and salted meat. But you can barely have
any because your family is trying to save food. The cold wind blows again and the fire has
gone out because of too much snow went through your chimney. There were many bad
things that happen during this
time but the most dreadful thing that happened was the cold winter. Even though they
saved up food it was still bad because there was no food around if they ran out of it.
The winter wasn't the only bad conflict because in the year of the revolutionary war everyone
was in trouble all year around because the soldiers would be running low on food and either
you had to give them food for free ,or they would steal any of your farm animals. Mostly the
cows because their meat was the most valuable. Most families would get sick and die of not
having the right food or supplies. Food was very important because another time in the war
everyone had run low on food ,and were forced to eat their horses or pet dogs. I imagine this
being a nightmare having to eat your pet. If I lived in this time I would rather starve to death
then having to eat my pet dog.
you have been living off of year old canned fruits and salted meat. But you can barely have
any because your family is trying to save food. The cold wind blows again and the fire has
gone out because of too much snow went through your chimney. There were many bad
things that happen during this
time but the most dreadful thing that happened was the cold winter. Even though they
saved up food it was still bad because there was no food around if they ran out of it.
The winter wasn't the only bad conflict because in the year of the revolutionary war everyone
was in trouble all year around because the soldiers would be running low on food and either
you had to give them food for free ,or they would steal any of your farm animals. Mostly the
cows because their meat was the most valuable. Most families would get sick and die of not
having the right food or supplies. Food was very important because another time in the war
everyone had run low on food ,and were forced to eat their horses or pet dogs. I imagine this
being a nightmare having to eat your pet. If I lived in this time I would rather starve to death
then having to eat my pet dog.
Chapter 2 homes
The home you would live in :The home you would live in would be quite small. You would only
have one one fireplace no other heat sources. Imagine being freezing cold every morning waking up
to a cold house because your fireplace was burned out. In the house there would be a cot upstairs
and 2 beds downstairs. There would be one storage room to store the salted pork and beef.
Their would mostly be a barn to store the livestock. The kitchen would be right over the
fireplace . There would be some salted pork hanging over the kitchen. One table in the middle
of the room that they would eat on. The chairs in your house are made of hard, brown wood.
This is how most wealthy people lived. Most of the early houses only had one room for their
family. Everything in the house mostly furniture was made of wood. The windows were made
with paper covering it. This is how you would live. What a hard life!
have one one fireplace no other heat sources. Imagine being freezing cold every morning waking up
to a cold house because your fireplace was burned out. In the house there would be a cot upstairs
and 2 beds downstairs. There would be one storage room to store the salted pork and beef.
Their would mostly be a barn to store the livestock. The kitchen would be right over the
fireplace . There would be some salted pork hanging over the kitchen. One table in the middle
of the room that they would eat on. The chairs in your house are made of hard, brown wood.
This is how most wealthy people lived. Most of the early houses only had one room for their
family. Everything in the house mostly furniture was made of wood. The windows were made
with paper covering it. This is how you would live. What a hard life!
Keeping homes warm and cool: 
You might think that living in a house you would have heat ,but actually you would be freezing
during the winter. Living in a cold house in the winter was very bad. You could die. So
houses only had one fire place that would keep you warm. If the fire went out you would
freeze. Your family would have to share your fireplace. During the summer you would feel
so sweaty and gross that you would be sad. You wouldn't have any air conditioning. You
would have to sweat away in your room that you had to share with one of your family
members. Boiling hot sweating in your room hungry and sweating that is how you would feel
and there's no way escaping the sweating hot sun. Where is the sun lotion when you need it.
You might think that living in a house you would have heat ,but actually you would be freezing
during the winter. Living in a cold house in the winter was very bad. You could die. So
houses only had one fire place that would keep you warm. If the fire went out you would
freeze. Your family would have to share your fireplace. During the summer you would feel
so sweaty and gross that you would be sad. You wouldn't have any air conditioning. You
would have to sweat away in your room that you had to share with one of your family
members. Boiling hot sweating in your room hungry and sweating that is how you would feel
and there's no way escaping the sweating hot sun. Where is the sun lotion when you need it.
( How cold would it be in the winter ) in the 30s in the 10s or negative something. You will find out next
Building houses In the winter the temperature was negative something. Boom Boom you are
getting tired hammering nails. One of the rusty nails slip and cuts you. But you keep working everyone
is getting tired so you start singing a song. That is what it would be like a daily life. Working to
build a home for someone. This house will be a 2 story house with 3 rooms. 2 rooms
downstairs and one room upstairs. Each house that got built would be started with a wooden
frame, to hold the house together. The early houses that were built were 1 roof houses with
the roof made of packed wood. The flooring would be packed dirt. Guess you didn't have to
make flooring. There would only be one small room ,but the beds were stacked to save
space. Building a house most people enjoyed because when they were in the process, they
sang a song that made them work faster. Would you have sung? I think I would have.
getting tired hammering nails. One of the rusty nails slip and cuts you. But you keep working everyone
is getting tired so you start singing a song. That is what it would be like a daily life. Working to
build a home for someone. This house will be a 2 story house with 3 rooms. 2 rooms
downstairs and one room upstairs. Each house that got built would be started with a wooden
frame, to hold the house together. The early houses that were built were 1 roof houses with
the roof made of packed wood. The flooring would be packed dirt. Guess you didn't have to
make flooring. There would only be one small room ,but the beds were stacked to save
space. Building a house most people enjoyed because when they were in the process, they
sang a song that made them work faster. Would you have sung? I think I would have.
Chapter 3 work/chores
This shows a young lady bringing water to her house. Imagine
doing this everyday.
Making clothes: In some colonies making clothes was very important because they would
make clothes everywhere. On a trip, at their house, riding a horse and outside. If you didn't
do this they would think you were crazy. When they rode a horse it's hard to picture it but
they would latch their weaving tools to the back of the house and weave. It was very
important to get this weaving done before winter came. Making clothes was a woman's work.
Even the young girls would help weave. The grandma would clean the fresh wool ,and put it
in water. In other colonies the children would collect berries to color the wool to make colorful
clothes. They also would fill buckets with water to wash and dry their clothes. Making clothes
was hard!
make clothes everywhere. On a trip, at their house, riding a horse and outside. If you didn't
do this they would think you were crazy. When they rode a horse it's hard to picture it but
they would latch their weaving tools to the back of the house and weave. It was very
important to get this weaving done before winter came. Making clothes was a woman's work.
Even the young girls would help weave. The grandma would clean the fresh wool ,and put it
in water. In other colonies the children would collect berries to color the wool to make colorful
clothes. They also would fill buckets with water to wash and dry their clothes. Making clothes
was hard!
Common food was pork. They would salt the pork and keep it to cook. When the
cooking soup they had their pot over their hot, red fire in their house. Cooking was a big
thing because no one could go to the store and buy their food. They had to grow a garden
and grow it their self. When they were done growing a garden they would pick their food and
have to cook it their self. There might had been no grocery stores ,but
their were a few places that sold beer and other goods to cook with. One of the common
foods were hasty pudding. Hasty pudding was a type of porridge
Most of the cooking involved early colonists and people living on the frontier often hunted for
food. They hunted variety of game including deer, turkey, ducks, and rabbits. The farm
animals they owns had many ingredients need in their cooking like eggs, beef, and pork.
This food would make me get tired of it having to eat it all the time.
food. They hunted variety of game including deer, turkey, ducks, and rabbits. The farm
animals they owns had many ingredients need in their cooking like eggs, beef, and pork.
This food would make me get tired of it having to eat it all the time.
Jobs around the houses:The children had many jobs like farm jobs. So there were lots of
animals to take care of. Children were in charge of feeding and giving water to all the animals.
They had to milk the cows and collect the chicken eggs. They would gather fruits and
vegetables from the garden and would sometimes run errands for their parents. Most women
would teach their children in their house for a longer study. The woman also were responsible
for raising the children and feeding them. Would you want to have many chores ?
In the daily life of colonial times you have learned about how they grew their food and what
was on their dinner plate. It must had been hard to get food yourself ,or even having to find
your own food or grow it. Having to build your own house was probably very tiring to do it.
Not just that but, the houses were very small on the inside so you must of been so cramped.
Even when your house was finished there was still chores and work around the house that
need you to get done like collecting the eggs, milking the cows ,and cooking. What do think
would you enjoy living in colonial times or does it seem like you might object to it.
was on their dinner plate. It must had been hard to get food yourself ,or even having to find
your own food or grow it. Having to build your own house was probably very tiring to do it.
Not just that but, the houses were very small on the inside so you must of been so cramped.
Even when your house was finished there was still chores and work around the house that
need you to get done like collecting the eggs, milking the cows ,and cooking. What do think
would you enjoy living in colonial times or does it seem like you might object to it.
Sugar cane
a perennial tropical grass with tall stout jointed stems from which sugar is extracted
Vegetable garden
A garden growing vegetables
a northern marine fish that is the largest of the flatfishes and important as a food fish.
A animal that has been tamed and kept by humans as a work animal, food source, or
pet. |
causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious.
An early-ripening fruit or vegetable is a hasting and such a food that ripens early is
termed |
a dish consisting of oatmeal or another meal or cereal boiled in water or milk.
a line or border separating two countries.
A lot of choices
Run errands
To have a mission
having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone,
as part of one's job or role. |
a reason for disagreeing.
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